2010/06/21 | 来源:| 【字号: 】【打印】【关闭

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  2、Chen, Y., Li, X., Yin, L., Cheng, Y, Li, W. 2009. Genetic diversity and migration patterns of the aquatic macrophyte Potamogeton malaianus in a potamolacustrine system. Freshwater Biology, 54: 1178-1188.

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  8、Li S, S Gu, X Tan, Q Zhang. 2009. Water quality in the upper Han River basin, China: the impacts of land use/land cover in riparian buffer zone. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 165: 317-324.

  9、Li S, W Liu, S Gu, X Cheng, Z Xu, Q Zhang. 2009. Spatio-temporal dynamics of nutrients in the upper Han River basin, China. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 162: 1340-1346.

  10、Li S, X Cheng, Z Xu, Q Zhang. 2009. Spatial and temporal patterns of the water quality in the Danjiangkou Reservoir, China. Hydrological Sciences Journa, l54: 124-134.

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  13、Liu, W.Z., Zhang, Q.F., Liu, G.H. 2009. Seed bank of a river-reservoir wetland system and their implications for vegetation development. Aquatic Botany, 90: 7-12

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  17、Tao, Y., Chen, F., Wan, K., Li, X., Li., J. 2009. The structural adaptation of aerial parts of invasive Alternanthera philoxeroides to water regime. Journal of Plant Biology, 52:403-410.

  18、Wan, K., Chen, F., Tao, Y., Chen, S. 2009. Nutrient elements in leaves of rare and endangered species in Wuhan Botanical Garden, China. Journal of Plant Nutrition, 32 (11): 1914-1940.

  19、Wang, Y., Ding, J., Wheeler, G., Purcell, M. Zhang, G. 2009. Heterapoderopsis bicallosicollis (Coleoptera: Attelabidae), a potential biological control agent for Chinese tallow (Triadica sebifera). Environmental Entomology, 38: 1135-1144.

  20、Zhang, Q., Shen, Z., Xu, Z., Liu, S., Wang, S. 2009. The Han River watershed management initiative for the South-to-North Water Transfer Project (Middle Route) of China. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 148: 369-377.

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  23、卜红梅,党海山,张全发. 2010. 汉江上游金水河流域森林植被对水环境的影响. 生态学报,30(5):1341-1348.

  24、党海山,张燕君,张克荣,江明喜,张全发. 2009. 秦岭巴山冷杉(Abies fargesii)种群结构与动态. 生态学杂志,28(8):1456-1461.

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  30、徐洋, 刘文治, 刘贵华. 2009. 生态位限制和物种库限制对湖滨湿地植物群落分布格局的影响. 植物生态学报, 33: 546-554.

  31、张克荣, 党海山, 张全发. 2009. 秦岭金水河岸弃耕地草本植物种间关系,武汉植物学研究,27(3):306-311.


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