2011/03/21 | 来源:| 【字号: 】【打印】【关闭

    1、Siyue Li, Quanfa Zhang. 2010. Risk assessment and seasonal variations of dissolved trace elements and heavy metals in the Upper Han River, China.Journal of Hazardous Materials, 281:1051-1058.

  2、Siyue Li, Quanfa Zhang. 2010. Spatial characterization of dissolved trace elements and heavy metals in the upper Han River (China) using multivariate statistical techniques. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 176:579-588.

  3、Haishan Dang, Yanjun Zhang, Kerong Zhang, Mingxi Jiang, Quanfa Zhang. 2010. Age structure and regeneration of subalpine fir (Abies fargesii) forests across an altitudinal range in the Qinling Mountains, China. Forest Ecology and Management, 259:547-554.

  4、Kerong Zhang, Haishan Dang, Shuduan Tan, Zhixi Wang, QuanfaZhang. 2010. Vegetation community and soil characteristics of abandoned agricultural land and pine plantation in the Qinling Mountains, China. Forest Ecology and Management, 259:2036-2047.

  5、Hongmei Bu, Xiang Tan, Siyue Li, Quanfa Zhang. 2010. Temporal and spatial variations of water quality in the Jinshui River of the South Qinling Mts., China. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 73(5):907-913.

  6、Shuduan Tan, Mingyong Zhu, Quanfa Zhang. 2010. Physiological responses of bermudagrass (Cynodon dactylon) to submergence. Acta Physiol Plant, 32:133-140.

  7、Kerong Zhang, Haishan Dang, Shuduan Tan, Xiaoli Cheng, Quanfa Zhang. 2010. Change in soll organic carbon following the‘Grain-ForGreen' Programme in China. Land Degradation & development, 21:12-23.

  8、Hongmei Bu, Xiang Tan, Siyue Li, Quanfa Zhang. 2010. Water quality assessment of the Jinshui River (China) using multivariate statistical techniques. Environmental Earth Science, 60:1631-1639.

  9、Haishan Dang, Yanjun Zhang, Mingxi Jiang and Quanfa Zhang. 2010. Growth performance and range shift of the subalpine fir (Abies fargesii) in the Qinling Mountains, China. International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology, 17(2):162-171.

  10、Siyue Li, Quanfa Zhang. 2010. Major ion chemistry and weathering processes of the Danjiangkou Reservoir.Hydrological Sciences Journal, 55:1385-1395.

  11、Mingyong Zhu, Shuduan Tan, Wenzhi Liu and Quanfa Zhang. 2010. A Review of REE Tracer Method Used in Soil Erosion Studies. Agricultural Sciences in China, 9(8): 1167-1174.

  12、Wei Huang, Evan Siemann, Gregory S.Wheeler, Jianwen Zou, Juli Carrillo Jianqing Ding. 2010. Resource allocation to defence and growth are driven by different responses to generalist and specialist herbivory in an invasive plant. Journal of Ecology, 98:1157-1167.

  13、Yangzhou Wang, John R.U.Wilson, Jun Zhang, Jialiang Zhang, Jianqing Ding. 2010. Potential impact and non-target effects of Gallerucida bifasciata (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae), a candidate biological control agent for Fallopia japonica. Biological Control, 153:319-324.

  14、Yan Sun, Jianqing Ding, M J Frye, 2010. Effects of resource availability on tolerance of herbivory in the invasive Alternanthera philoxeroides and the native Alternanthera sessilis. Weed Research, 50:527–536.

  15、Xingmin Lu, Hongjun Dai, Jianqing Ding. 2010. Con-specific neighbours may enhance compensation capacity in an invasive plant. Plant Biology, 12:445-452.

  16、Yangzhou Wang, Kai Wu, Jianqing Ding. 2010. Host specificity of Euops chinesis, a potential biological control agent of Fallopia japonica, an invasive plant in Europe and North America. Biological Contro, 55:551–559.

  17、Mingxun Ren, Jingyu Tang. 2010. Anther Fusion Enhances Pollen Removal In Campsis Grandiflora, Hermaphroditic Flower With Didynamous Stamens. International Journal of Plant Sciences, 171(3):275-282.

  18、Mingxun Ren, Xiaoqiong Li,,Jianqing Ding. 2010. Genetic variation and spread pattern of invasive Conyza sumatrensis around China's Three Gorges Dam. Acta Oecologia, 36:599-603.

  19、Hongjun Dai, Yangzhou Wang, Jianqing Ding. 2010. Effects of plant trichomes on herbivores and predators on soybeans. Insect Science, 17: 1–8.

  20、Yuhang Wang, Jinming Chen, Chao Xu, Xing Liu, Qingfeng Wang, Timothy J. Motley. 2010. Population genetic structure of an aquatic herb Batrachium bungei (Ranuculaceae) in the Hengduan Mountains of China. Aquatic Botany, 92:221-225.

  21、Shuying Zhao, JinMing Chen, Qingfeng Wang, Fan Liu, Youhao Guo and Wahiti Robert Gituru. 2010. The extent of clonality and genetic diversity in Sagittaria lichuanensis (Alismataceae), an endemic marsh herb in China. Botanical Studies, 51: 363-369.

  22、Zhiyuan Du, Chunfeng Yang, Jinming Chen, Youhao Guo. 2010. Identification of hybrids in broad-leaved Potamogeton species (Potamogetonaceae) in China using nuclear and chloroplast DNA sequence data. Plant Syst Evol, 287:57-63.

  23、Zhiyuan Du, Chunfeng Yang, Jinming Chen, Youhao Guo, Akeem Babalola Kadiri. 2010. Using DNA-based techniques to identify hybrids among linear-leaved Potamogeton plants collected in China. Journal of Systematics and Evolution, 48(4):265-270.

  24、Zhijun Lu, Lianfa Li, Mingxi Jiang, Handong Huang, Dachuan Bao. 2010. Can the soil seed bank contribute to revegetation of the drawdown zone in the Three Gorges Reservoir Region? Plant Ecology, 209:153–165.

  25、Xinzeng Wei, Jianxiong Liao, Mingxi Jiang. 2010. Effects of pericarp, storage conditions, seed weight, substrate moisture content, light, GA3 and KNO3 on germination of Euptelea pleiospermum. Seed Science and Technology, 38:1-13.

  26、Xinzeng Wei, Mingxi Jiang, Handong Huang, jingyuan Yang, Jie Yu. 2010. Relationships between environment and mountain riparian plant communities associated with two rare tertiary-relict tree species, Euptelea pleiospermum (Eupteleaceae) and Cercidiphyllum japonicum (Cercidiphyllaceae). Flora, 205:841–852.

  27、Jianxiong Liao, Mingxi Jiang, Lianfa Li. 2010. Effects of simulated submergence on survival and recovery growth of three species in water fluctuation zone of the Three Gorges reservoir. Acta Ecologica Sinica, 30:216-220.

  28、Yong Tao, Kaiyuan Wan, Fang Chen, Jianqing Li. 2010. A preliminary exploration: Why Myricaria laxiflora so immersion-resistant and so soil-selective? Pak. J. Bot, 42(2):1115-1127.

  29、Li Wang, Leilei Tang, Xiao Wang, Fang Chen. 2010. Effects of alley crop planting on soil and nutrient losses in the citrus orchards of the Three Gorges Region. Soil & Tillage Research, 110:243–250.

  30、Ming Li, G.uoxiang Hou, Dong Yang, Guang Deng and Wei Li. 2010. Photosynthetic traits of Carex cinerascens in flooded and nonflooded conditions. Photosynthetica, 48(3):370-376.

  31、Fan Liu, Shuying Zhao, Wei Li, Jinming Chen, Qingfeng Wang. 2010. Population genetic structure and phylogeoraphic patterns in the chinese endemic species Sagittaria lichuanensis, inferred from cpDNA atpB-rbcL intergenic spacers. Botany, 88(10):886-892.

  32、Bin Wang, Zhiping Song, Guihua Liu, Fan Lu, Wei Li. 2010. Comparison of the extent of genetic variation of Vallisneria natans and its sympatric congener V. spinulosa in lakes of the middle–lower reaches of the Yangtze River. Aquatic Botany, 92(4): 233–238.

  33、Fan Liu, Yiying Liao, Wei Li, Jinming Chen, Qingfeng Wang, Timothy J. Motley. 2010. The effect of pollination on resource allocation among sexual reproduction, clonal reproduction and vegetative growth in Sagittaria potamogetifolia (Alismataceae). Ecological Research, 25(3): 495–499.

  34、Yuanyuan Chen, Li Liao, Wei Li, Zuozhou Li. 2010. Genetic diversity and population structure of the endangered alpine quillort Isoetes hypsophila Hand.-Mazz. revealed by AFLP Markers. Plant Syst Evol, 2901:127-139.

  35、Wei Xing, Dunhai Li, Guihua Liu. 2010. Antioxidative responses of Elodea nuttallii. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 48:873-878.

  36、Wei Xing, Wenmin Huang, Guihua Liu. 2010. Effect of excess iron and copper on physiology of aquatic plant Spirodela polyrrhiza (L.) Schleid. Environmental Toxicology, 25:103-122.

  37、Wenzhi Liu, Guihua Liu, Siye Li, Quanfa Zhang. 2010. Phosphorus retention capacity of wetland soils from a subtropical reservoir in response to water level fluctuations. Marine and Freshwater Research, 61:507-512.

  38、Chan Xiao, Xiufang Wang, Jing Xia, Guihua Liu. 2010. The effect of temperature, water level and burial depth on seed germination of Myriophyiium spicatum and Potamogeton malaianus. Aquatic Botany, 92:28-32.

  39、Chan Xiao, Wei Xing, Guihua Liu. 2010. Seed germination of 14 wetland species in response to duration of coldwet stratification and outdoor burial depth. Aquatic Biology, 11:167-177.

  40、Chan Xiao, Weifeng Dou, Guihua Liu. 2010. Variation in vegetation and seed banks of freshwater lakes with contrasting intensity of aquaculture along Yangtze River, China. Aquatic Botany, 92:195-199.

  41、Wenzhi Liu, Quanfa Zhang, Guihua Liu. 2010. Lake eutrophication associated with geographic location, lake morphology and climate in China. Hydrobiologia, 644:289-299.

  42、Weifeng Dou, Haibing Wang, Yang Xu, Wei Xing, Guihua Liu. 2010. Effects of water depth and substrate type on growth dynamics and biomass allocation of Oryza rufipogon. Acta Ecologica Sinica, 30:16-21.

  43、卜红梅,党海山,张全发. 2010. 汉江上游金水河流域森林植被对水环境的影响. 生态学报,30(5):1341-1348.

  44、朱明勇,谭淑端,顾胜,张全发. 2010. 湖北丹江口水库库区小流域土壤可蚀性特征. 土壤通报,41(2):434-436.

  45、李连发,廖建雄,江明喜,黄汉东,何东. 2010. 干藏和淹水对三峡库区21种草本植物种子萌发的影响. 武汉植物学研究,28(1):99-104.

  46、卢志军,李连发,黄汉东,陶敏,张全发,江明喜. 2010. 三峡水库蓄水对消涨带植被的初步影响. 武汉植物学研究,28(3):303-314.

  47、廖建雄,史红文,鲍大川,段庆明. 2010. 武汉市51种园林植物的气体交换特性. 植物生态学报,34(9):1058-1065.

  48、汤雷雷,万开元,陈防. 2010. 养分管理与农田杂草生物多样性和遗传进化的关系研究进展. 生态环境学报,19(7):1744-1749.

  49、刘毅,陶勇,万开元,张过师,陈树森,陈防. 2010. 丹江口库区坡耕地柑桔园不同覆盖方式下地表径流氮磷流失特征. 长江流域资源与环境,19(11):1341-1345.

  50、万开元,潘俊峰,李儒海,王道中,汤雷雷,陈防. 2010. 长期施肥对旱地土壤杂草种子库生物多样性影响研究. 生态环境学报,19(4):836-842.

  51、李洁琳,尹黎燕,陈媛媛,顾舒平,李伟. 2010. 几种水生植物种子萌发的聚集效应研究. 武汉植物学研究,28(3):330-335.

  52、刘文治,刘贵华,张全发. 2010. 湿地在面源污染治理中的应用回顾与展望.环境科学与管理,35(7):141-145.

  53、叶琛,李思悦,张全发.2011. 三峡库区消落区表层土壤重金属污染评价及源解析.中国生态农业学报,19(1):1-4.

  54、叶琛,李思悦,卜红梅,张全发.2010. 三峡水库消落区蓄水前土壤重金属含量及生态危害评价.土壤学报,47(6):1264-1269.

  55、卜红梅,朱明勇,张全发. 2010. 汉江上游金水河中溶解性重金属元素空间变化及来源分配. 中国给水排水,9: 58-61.


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