报告题目:Melatonin biology
报告人: Professor Russel J. Reiter
报告人简介:Russel J. Reiter,现为美国德州大学圣安东尼奥健康医学中心(The University of Texas Health Science Center)细胞生物学系教授,国际著名杂志“Journal of Pinal Research” (IF2013=7.812)主编,在国际主流学术期刊发表SCI论文1284篇,累计影响因子4763.50,论文被引用数41092次(http://www.researchgate.net/profile/Russel_Reiter)。1993年首次在国际上报道了褪黑素是一种内源性自由基清除剂与抗氧化剂,为褪黑素研究开辟了一个新的领域。由于这一重要发现,褪黑素已被广泛用于临床治疗各种自由基氧化有关的疾病并同时广泛用于畜牧业、农业与工业。详细介绍参见其个人主页:http://uthscsa.edu/csb/faculty/Reiter.asp。
英文介绍:Dr. Russel J. Reiter is Professor of Cell Biology in the Department of Cellular and Structure Biology at the University of Texas Health Science Center, San Antonio, Texas, USA, In addition to his Ph.D. degree, Dr. Reiter has received three honorary M.D. degrees and one honorary D.Sc. degree from international universities. His research relates to the multiple receptor-independent and receptor-dependent actions of melatonin and its isomers in humans, animals and plants. He has trained 25 Ph.D. students and 144 postdoctoral fellows. Dr. Reiter has received numerous awards for his research including the A. Ross McIntyre Gold Metal (USA), the US Senior Scientist Award (Germany), Lizoni Lincee Award (Italy), the Inaugural Aaron B. Lerner Pioneer Award (USA), etc. He has published numerous research papers, reviews and chapters and he has written or edited 25 books. His papers have been cited in the scientific literature more than 80,000 times, and his h-index is 139; Thomson Reuters has identified Dr. Reiter as a Highly Cited Research and lists him as one of the World’s Most Influential Scientific Minds. Dr. Reiter has been an invited speaker at more than 300 international meetings and symposia. He is the Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Pineal Research (2013 impact factor = 7.812) and is or has been on the Editorial/Advisory Board of 26 other journals.