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Jianjun Chen, Xiaoli Liu, Linyao Zhu, Ying Wang*. 2013 . Nuclear genome size estimation and karyotype analysis of Lycium species (Solanaceae) . Scientia Horticulturae, 151 : 46–50

Mei Yang, Fan Liu, Yanni Han, Liming Xu, Niran Juntawong, Yanling Liu*. 2013 . Genetic diversity and structure in populations of Nelumbo from America, Thailand and China: Implications for conservation and breeding . Aquatic Botany, 107 : 1–7

Yili Guo, Junmeng Lu, Scott B. Franklin, Qinggang Wang, Yaozhan Xu, Kuihan Zhang, Dachuan Bao, Xiujuan Qiao, Handong Huang, Zhijun Lu, and Mingxi Jiang. 2013 . Spatial distribution of tree species in a species-rich subtropical mountain forest in central China . Can. J. For. Res, 43 : 826–835

Chan Xiao, Guihua Liu*. 2013 . The relationship of seed banks to historical dynamics and reestablishment of standing vegetation in an aquaculture lake . Aquatic Botany, 108 : 48– 54

Wenzhi Liu, Guihua Liu, Hui Liu, Yu Song and Quanfa Zhang*. 2013 . Subtropical reservoir shorelines have reduced plant species and functional richness compared with adjacent riparian wetlands . Environ. Res. Lett, 8 : 044007(10pp)

Wei Xing, Haoping Wu, Beibei Hao and Guihua Liu*. 2013 . Metal accumulation by submerged macrophytes in eutrophic lakes at the watershed scale . Environ Sci Pollut Res, 20 : 6999–7008

Wen Zhou, Zhixiu Wang, Anthony J. Davy and Guihua Liu*. 2013 . Geographic variation and local adaptation in Oryza rufipogon across its climatic range in China . Journal of Ecology, 101 : 1498–1508

Beibei Hao, Haoping Wua, Qiao Shi, Guihua Liu, Wei Xing*. 2013 . Facilitation and competition among foundation species of submerged macrophytes threatened by severe eutrophication and implications for restoration . Ecological Engineering, 60 : 76– 80

Jing Xia, ShiGuo Sun and GuiHua Liu. 2013 . Evidence of a component Allee effect driven by predispersal seed predation in a plant (Pedicularis rex, Orobanchaceae) . Biol Lett, 9 : 20130387

Wei Xing,Haoping Wu,Beibei Hao,Wenmin Huang,and Guihua Liu*. 2013 . Bioaccumulation of Heavy Metals by Submerged Macrophytes: Looking for Hyperaccumulators in Eutrophic Lakes . Environ. Sci. Technol, 47 : 4695?4703