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姓  名: 张全发
职  称: 研究员
职  务: 博士生导师,PI
电话/传真: 027-87700808/027-87700877
电子邮件: qzhang@wbgcas.cn
所属课题组: 系统生态学学科组


1981.9-1985.7 华中师范大学生物系 学士学位
1985.9-1988.7 中国科学院武汉植物研究所 硕士学位
1994.9-1998.5 美国密执根理工大学森林资源和环境学院 博士学位
1988.8-1993.11 中国科学院武汉植物研究所 研究实习员/助理研究员
1993.11-1994.8 美国华盛顿大学森林资源学院 访问学者
1998.6-2000.12 美国弗吉尼亚大学环境科学系 博士后
2001.1-2004.5 加拿大自然资源部加拿大遥感中心 应用科学家
2004.6- 中国科学院武汉植物园 研究员






  1. Wang DZ, Qiu P, Wan B, Cao ZX, Zhang QF. 2022. Mapping - and -diversity of mangrove forests with multispectral and hyperspectral images. Remote Sensing of Environment, 275:113021.
  2. Shi WJ, Du M, Ye C, Zhang QF. 2021. Divergent effects of hydrological alteration and nutrient addition on greenhouse gas emissions in the water level fluctuation zone of the Three Gorges Reservoir, China. Water Research, 201(6): 117308.
  3. Wang WB, Hu M, Shu X, Li H, Qi WH, Yang YY, Zhang QF. 2021. Microbiome of permeable sandy substrate in headwater river is shaped by water chemistry rather than grain size and heterogeneity. Science of the Total Environment,780:146552.
  4. Zhang KR, Song C, Zhang YR, Dang HS, Cheng XL, Zhang QF. 2018. Global-scale patterns of nutrient density and partitioning in forests in relation to climate. Global Change Biology, 24: 536-551.
  5. Yuan J, Li SY, Han X, Chen Q, Cheng XL, Zhang QF. 2017. Characterization and source identification of nitrogen in a riverine system of monsoon-climate region, China. Science of the Total Environment, 592: 608-615.
  6. Ye C, Cheng XL, Zhang KR, Du M, Zhang QF. 2017. Hydrologic pulsing affects denitrification rates and denitrifier communities in a revegetated riparian ecotone. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 115:137-147.
  7. Li SY, Ye C, Zhang QF. 2017. 11-Year change in water chemistry of large freshwater Reservoir Danjiangkou, China. Journal of Hydrology, 551: 508-517.
  8. Tan X, Ma P, Bunn SE, Zhang QF. 2015. Development of a benthic diatom index of biotic integrity (BD-IBI) for ecosystem health assessment of human dominant subtropical rivers, China. Journal of Environmental Management, 151:286-294.
  9. Liu WZ, Liu GH, Liu H, Song Y. Zhang QF. 2013. Subtropical reservoir shorelines have reduced plant species and functional richness compared with adjacent riparian wetlands. Environmental Research Letter, 8:044007.
  10. Zhang KR, Zhang YR, Tian H, Cheng XL, Dang HS, Zhang QF. 2013. Sustainability of social-ecological systems under conservation projects: lessons from a biodiversity hotspot in western China. Biological Conservation, 158:205-213.