时 间 |
题 目 |
报告人 |
单位或部门 |
9:00-9:30 |
Bridging plant stress physiology experiment and modelling |
周双喜 |
新西兰皇家植物与食品研究院 |
9:30-10:00 |
Kiwifruit fast flowering and breeding |
Erika Varkonyi-Gasic |
新西兰皇家植物与食品研究院 |
10:00-10:30 |
Ascorbate biosynthesis and Biotechnology |
Sean M. Bulley |
新西兰皇家植物与食品研究院 |
10:30-11:00 |
Adam Friend |
新西兰皇家植物与食品研究院 |
周双喜,博士,现任新西兰皇家植物与食品研究院研究员。目前主要研究方向有三个方面:(1)苹果、梨、猕猴桃的生理优化与创新栽培体系,以及其产生的经济、环境、社会效应;(2)植物逆境光合生理实验与模型的整合,以及其在陆地生态系统植被模型中的应用;(3)植物根系逆境生理生态,以及与植物地上部分生理生态特征的关系。2015年-2018年初,在澳大利亚科学与工业组织(CSIRO)从事植物根系逆境生理生态的研究工作;2018年初至今,在新西兰皇家植物与食品研究院从事苹果、梨、猕猴桃的生理优化与创新栽培体系的研究工作。研究成果发表于Tree Physiology,Agricultural and Forest Meteorology,Annals of Botany,Biogeosciences,Ecology Letters,Ecology等国际期刊。担任新西兰皇家学会霍克斯湾分会委员会委员。
Erika Varkonyi-Gasic is a senior scientist of The New Zealand Institute for Plant & Food Research Limited (PFR). She received her PhD in Plant Molecular Biology from the University of Belgrade, Yugoslavia (now Serbia) in 2001. She has moved to New Zealand to study genes that control plant development and plant responses to environmental cues. As a scientist in a biotechnology company Genesis Research and Development and later in a Crown Research Institute Plant & Food Research, she has been studying the molecular mechanisms that regulate flowering, focusing on the application of biotechnology for faster breeding of horticultural woody perennials. As a result of the work of her team at Plant & Food Research, a gene edited rapid flowering kiwifruit plant was produced and is now used for faster breeding cycles and to study flower and fruit development and sex determination. Her present research is flowering control, woody perennial plant development, long distance signaling and non-coding RNA of kiwifruit, she has published tens of paper on Nature Plants, Current Opinion in Plant Biology, Journal of Experimental Botany et al.
Sean M. Bulley is a senior scientist of The New Zealand Institute for Plant & Food Research Limited (PFR). He graduated from University of Auckland, New Zealand in 1991, and received his PhD in Open University, London, United Kingdom in 2002. He came to Plant & Food Researchand in 2002 and worked on plant ascorbate biosynthesis/regulation/biotechnology for abiotic stress tolerance, fruit pericarp development, plant carbohydrate synthesis and transport, plant allergen proteins. Dr. Sean M. Bulley is now a senior scientist and part of the Genetics & Biochemistry Group. He has published more than 20 papers in Plant Cell, Current Opinion in Plant Biology and Current Opinion in Biotechnology during his working years at PFR.
Adam Friend is a senior scientist of The New Zealand Institute for Plant & Food Research Limited (PFR). He worked on Kiwifruit production and physiology. He developed some rootstocks and facilitate its commercialization. He has published more than 20 papers during his working years at PFR.