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学科组的研究旨在通过生态学、基因组学和微生物学的视角,探讨基因组–表型–环境之间的关系,阐明植物适应环境变化的生态和进化机制。通过利用作物近缘野生种(如草莓,Fragaria)、生物能源植物(如浮萍,Lemnoideae)以及其他植物,学科组的研究不仅解决进化生态学的基本问题,而且解决农业、生态系统管理和生物多样性保护所面临的实际问题。学科组的研究通过整合植物学、种群与群落生态学、微生物生态学、传粉生物学、数量遗传学、种群基因组学和系统发育基因组学,多角度跨学科的理解和预测植物的适应性和可塑性。研究成果发表在Nature等国际主流杂志期刊。主持了美国国家自然科学基金项目,并担任 30 多种SCI期刊的论文审评,以及担任美国及欧洲的国家自然科学基金项目的审评,包括美国国家自然科学基金 (NSF),德国国家自然科学基金(DFG; Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft)和波兰国家自然科学基金(NCN; National Science Centre)。



姓   名 魏娜 学   历 博士
职   称 研究员 职   务 博士生导师, PI
通讯地址 武汉市东湖新技术开发区九峰一路201号
邮政编码 430074 电子邮箱 na.wei.phd@hotmail.com
姓 名: 魏娜
学 历: 博士
职 称: 研究员
职 务: 博士生导师, PI
通讯地址: 武汉市东湖新技术开发区九峰一路201号
邮政编码: 430074
电子邮箱: na.wei.phd@hotmail.com

2024–至今 中国科学院武汉植物园 研究员
2020–2024 Holden Arboretum, USA 研究员
2015–2019 University of Pittsburgh, Department of Biological Sciences 博士后
2009–2015 University of Michigan, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology 博士
2006–2009 南京大学生命科学学院 硕士
2002–2006 南京大学生命科学学院 学士
  • 2021–至今  Case Western Reserve University, USA  助理教授(兼职)
  • 2023–至今  Cleveland State University, USA  教授 (兼职)
2014–2015年 拉克汉姆博士生奖学金,美国密歇根大学
2013–2014年 巴伯奖学金,美国密歇根大学
2012–2013年 进化生态学系奖学金,美国密歇根大学
2010–2011年 拉克汉姆国际学生奖学金,美国密歇根大学
2010–2011年 进化生态学系奖学金,美国密歇根大学


  • 2023–2026  美国国家自然科学基金 (2300058)
  • 2023–2026  理事会资助基金 (LEQSF(2023-26)-RD-A-14)
  • 2021  植物园保护国际组织全球植物园基金 (GBGF/2021/011)
  • 2018  匹兹堡大学Frank J. Schwartz Early Career Research Fellowship and G. Murray McKinley Research Fund (PLE/2018)
  • 2013–2014  史密森热带研究所基金


  1. Tan J†*, Wei N†*, Turcotte MM. 2024. Trophic interactions in microbiomes influence plant host population size and ecosystem function. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 291: 20240612.
  2. Ashman TL†*, Wei N†*. 2024. Evaluating the influences of floral traits and pollinator generalism on α and β diversity of heterospecific pollen on stigmas. Functional Ecology, 38: 465-476.
  3. Anneberg TJ*, Cullen NP, O'Neill EM, Wei N, Ashman TL*. 2024. Neopolyploidy has variable effects on the diversity and composition of the wild strawberry microbiome. American Journal of Botany, 111: e16287.
  4. Wei N*, Tan J*. 2023. Environment and host genetics influence the biogeography of plant microbiome structure. Microbial Ecology, 86: 2858-2868.
  5. Guo W, Wei N†*, Hao GY, Yang SJ, Zhu ZY, Yang YP*, Duan YW*. 2023. Does competitive asymmetry confer polyploid advantage under changing environments? Journal of Ecology, 111: 1327-1339.
  6. Wei N*, Whyle RL, Ashman TL, Jamieson MA. 2022. Genotypic variation in floral volatiles influences floral microbiome more strongly than interactions with herbivores and mycorrhizae in strawberries. Horticulture Research, 9: uhab005.
  7. Fetters AM*, Cantalupo PG, Wei N, Robles MTS, Stanley A, Stephens JD, Pipas JM, Ashman TL*. 2022. The pollen virome of wild plants and its association with variation in floral traits and land use. Nature Communications, 13: 523.
  8. Wei N*, Kaczorowski RL, Arceo-Gómez G, O’Neill EM, Hayes RA, Ashman T-L*. 2021. Pollinators contribute to the maintenance of flowering plant diversity. Nature, 597: 688-692.
  9. Wei N*, Russell AL, Jarrett AR, Ashman T-L. 2021. Pollinators mediate floral microbial diversity and microbial network under agrochemical disturbance. Molecular Ecology, 30: 2235-2247.
  10. Cullen N, Xia J, Wei N, Kaczorowski R, Arceo-Gomez G, O'Neill E, Hayes R, Ashman TL*. 2021. Diversity and composition of pollen loads carried by pollinators are primarily driven by insect traits, not floral community characteristics. Oecologia, 196: 131-143.
  11. Wei N*, Du ZK, Liston A, Ashman T-L*. 2020. Genome duplication effects on functional traits and fitness are genetic context and species dependent: studies of synthetic polyploid Fragaria. American Journal of Botany, 107: 262-272.
  12. Liston A*, Wei N, Tennessen JA, Li J, Dong M, Ashman T-L. 2020. Revisiting the origin of octoploid strawberry. Nature Genetics, 52: 2-4.
  13. Wei N*, Cronn R, Liston A, Ashman T-L*. 2019. Functional trait divergence and trait plasticity confer polyploid advantage in heterogeneous environments. New Phytologist, 221: 2286-2297.
  14. Rebolleda-Gómez M*, Forrester NJ, Russell AL, Wei N, Fetters AM, Stephens JD, Ashman TL*. 2019. Gazing into the anthosphere: considering how microbes influence floral evolution. New Phytologist, 224: 1012-1020.
  15. Wei N*, Ashman TL*. 2018. The effects of host species and sexual dimorphism differ among root, leaf and flower microbiomes of wild strawberries in situ. Scientific Reports, 8: 5195.
  16. Tennessen JA, Wei N, Straub SCK, Govindarajulu R, Liston A, Ashman TL*. 2018. Repeated translocation of a gene cassette drives sex chromosome turnover in strawberries. PLOS Biology, 16: e2006062.
  17. Dillenberger MS, Wei N, Tennessen JA, Ashman TL, Liston A*. 2018. Plastid genomes reveal recurrent formation of allopolyploid Fragaria. American Journal of Botany, 105: 131-143.
  18. Wei N, Tennessen JA, Liston A, Ashman T-L*. 2017. Present-day sympatry belies the evolutionary origin of a high-order polyploid. New Phytologist, 216: 279-290.
  19. Wei N, Govindarajulu R, Tennessen JA, Liston A, Ashman T-L*. 2017. Genetic mapping and phylogenetic analysis reveal intraspecific variation in sex chromosomes of the Virginian strawberry. Journal of Heredity, 108: 731-739.
  20. Wei N*, Bemmels JB, Dick CW. 2014. The effects of read length, quality and quantity on microsatellite discovery and primer development: from Illumina to PacBio. Molecular Ecology Resources, 14: 953-965.