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Dongli He, Chao Han, Jialing Yao, Shihua Shen and Pingfang Yang*. 2011 . Constructing the metabolic and regulatory pathways in germinating rice seeds through proteomic approach . Proteomics, : 2693–2713

Wenzhi Liu, Quanfa Zhang, Guihua Liu*. 2011 . Effects of watershed land use and lake morphometry on trophic state of Chinese lakes: Implications for eutrophication control . Clean – Soil, Air, Water, 39 : 35-42

Wenzhi Liu, Guihua Liu, Quanfa Zhang*. 2011 . Influence of vegetation characteristics on soil denitrification in shoreline wetlands of the Danjiangkou Reservoir in China . Clean – Soil, Air, Water, 39 : 109-115

Yingwen Cheng, Liyan Yin,Shihong Lin, Mark Wiesner,Emily Bernhardt,and Jie Liu*. 2011 . Toxicity Reduction of Polymer-Stabilized Silver Nanoparticles by Sunlight . The Journal of Physical Chemistry, :

Yin L, Cheng Y, Espinasse B, Colman BP, Auffan M, Wiesner M, Rose J, Liu J, Bernhardt ES.*. 2011 . More than the Ions: The Effects of Silver Nanoparticles on Lolium multiflorum . Environ Sci Technol, 45 : 2360–2367

Liu W, Zhang QF, Liu GH*. 2011 . Effects of watershed land use and lake morphometry on trophic state of Chinese lakes: Implications for eutrophication control . Clean - Soil, Air, Water, 39 : 35-42

Huiying Li, Li Liu, Yanhong Lou, Tao Hu, Jinmin Fu*. 2011 . Genetic diversity of Chinese natural bermudagrass (Cynodon dactylon) germplasm using ISSR markers . Scientia Horticulturae, :

Xiao, C, Dou, WF, Liu, GH*. 2010 . Variation in vegetation and seed banks of freshwater lakes with contrasting intensity of aquaculture along Yangtze River, China . Aquatic Botany, 92 : 195-199

Xing, W, Huang, WM, Liu, GH*. 2010 . Effect of excess iron and copper on physiology of aquatic plant Spirodela polyrrhiza (L.) Schleid . Environmental Toxicology, 25 : 103-112

Wei Xing, Dunhai Li, Guihua Liu*. 2010 . Antioxidative responses of Elodea nuttallii (Planch.) H. St. John to short-term iron exposur . Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, : 873-878